We enable business and digital transformation decisions through the delivery of cutting-edge ICT solutions and products...
State, county, & local governments are unique. From constricted budgets to needing to protect large numbers of devices and users, governments face a unique set requirement for data protection and business continuity. Unitrends has a long history of protecting governmental IT assets, with customers ranging from small towns to major state agencies protecting the data and applications of thousands of employees.- Government data backup
Here are the challenges unique to state and local governments and how Unitrends meets them.
Governments create and manage large amounts of private data such as criminal records, tax reports, and court documents. Unitrends appliances can replicate data locally, to a remote site or to our highly secure Unitrends Cloud.
From any of those locations, data can be stored for long-term retention and/or used for disaster recovery purposes.
Most state, county, and local governments have few IT resources with little time to spend managing backups and
recovery. Unitrends’ products are designed for a set-it-and-forget-it style of use with emails that report backup results so you always know things are working properly.
“Overall Unitrends Backup is the most stable and capable product we have used – and we should know as we have used a ton of them.” -James L Hevener Sr. Network Center Engineer Virginia State Lottery
As a result of tight budgets, older products and applications are kept functioning well beyond their advertised useful life. The Unitrends Support Matrix lists over 250 different hypervisors, operating systems, and applications that can be protected natively.
Government IT organizations support large numbers of users that may fall for ransomware “click-bait”. All Unitrends appliances contain artificial intelligence that searches every file during every backup for ransomware activity. Upon detection, alerts are immediately sent to administrators.
While other industries may have recovery time objectives (RTO) in hours, government departments such as police and fire need RTO times measured in seconds or minutes. Unitrends Instant Recovery can fail over applications in seconds. Unitrends Recovery Assurance delivers automated recovery testing, site and application failover, ransomware detection, and disaster recovery compliance, both locally and in the Unitrends Cloud.
The most requested data recovery service in government is restoring files that have been mistakenly or maliciously deleted. A few clicks and the entire recovery process, from login to file restoration usually takes less than 5 minutes.
Unitrends is uniquely qualified to solve government IT challenges. Unitrends offers a simple-to-use, fully-integrated backup and recovery suite of products. By deploying Unitrends all-in-one enterprise backup and continuity solutions in your data center you can oversee your entire Unitrends environment through a single intuitive UI.
Plus all Unitrends customers are supported by our award-winning Customer Support organization. Unitrends Customer Support has won multiple Stevie Awards for superior customer service, including a Gold and Silver medal in 2017 and 2018. Existing customers have awarded Unitrends a 98% customer satisfaction rating. Contact Musato Technologies to learn more about our ICT services.
An article by Unitrends
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