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DevOps can help develop software faster, but that’s not making it any safer. DevSecOps is an effort to bring security into the mix. Here are some ways to get started.
Call it DevSecOps or SecDevOps or security in DevOps, but no matter what you call it your development organization will be tackling it soon.
DevOps is hard to do and security is harder. But at a time when security breaches continue to dominate the headlines, there’s no question that security and DevOps need to come together. The only issues are when and how.
A recent survey by DevOps software supply chain provider Sonatype found that for every 100 developers there is only one security person, and that’s a huge part of the reason breaches continue, said Derek Weeks, vice president and DevOps evangelist at Sonatype. “Those numbers leave you completely outnumbered and that’s not going to change anytime soon,” he said. Continue reading