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Modern software development

Modern software development explained

Enterprises need software competency to deliver good digital experiences. Agile development is how enterprises get there.  Every software development organization today seems to practice the agile software development methodology or a version of it. Or at least they believe they do. – Modern software development Modern software development

Whether you are new to application development or learned about software development decades ago using the waterfall software development methodology, today your work is at least influenced by the agile methodology.

But what exactly is agile methodology, and how should it be practiced in software development?

Agile was formally launched in 2001 when 17 technologists drafted the Agile Manifesto. They wrote four major principles for developing better software:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Before agile: The era of waterfall methodology

Old hands like me remember the days when the waterfall methodology was the gold standard for software development. The software development process required a ton of documentation up front before any coding was done. Someone first wrote a business requirements document that captured everything the business needed for the application. These documents were long, detailing everything: strategy comprehensive functional specifications, and visual user interface designs. Continue reading